First Short Ride in 25 …
It was so beautifully sunny, that I went for the very first ride on my gravel bike. Just 2° Celsius meant, that for the last 2 years, since I got this bike, I wouldn’t have gone during the winter time. First of all I did not have the gear to do this and wasn’t sure what do get to be on the safe side in terms of low temperatures, but I also did not want to clean my bike after each of those muddy rides. Well, I have to say that I like riding the bike so much since I got it, that I will be ok cleaning it (I actually enjoy cleaning all of our bikes during the summer time).
But still, I wasn’t sure what do get to be safe when it is cold. I read a lot and finally was chatting to Hans about what he uses, since I have seen him riding quite a lot also in the cold days of the year. He gave me some insights in what he uses and it mirrored pretty much what I was reading. He also gave me some tips on what he usually buys and I looked into it. I liked what he recommended, but also had an eye on stuff by Ryzon, which usually is something I find a little too expensive.

It turned out that they had a winter sale running and I got a few essential bits. Still some money, but I have to say after the first ride: worth every Cent. I got a base layer, a mid layer, a thermal jacket and last but not least some thermal bib tights. I usually don’t really like tights and use mountain bike gear from Endura during the Summer, but for the cold time of the year it really makes sense to get something like this.
Oh, and did I enjoy the ride! ;)