
⇾ No Borders – Matthias Ott

Matthias Ott has written about our boder:none Event on his blog. Thanks a lot. Joschi and I had a great time running it!

⇾ Visit: No Borders – Matthias Ott

⇾ 4600 Pixel Perfect Open Source Icons

Tabler Icons is a library of over 4500 open source icons. You can download 4200 for free or use their pay what you want option for the full set (please do!)

Found in Veerle’s Mastodon stream

⇾ Visit: 4600 Pixel Perfect Open Source Icons

⇾ Public Speaking Advice from Andy Budd

Andy Budd has a long experience as speaker and also as curator or organiser of events. Here is an article he has written for Smashing Magazine, that helps you to become a better speaker.

I also added it to my list with tips and advice for public speaking

⇾ Visit: Public Speaking Advice from Andy Budd

⇾ Investing in RSS – Tim Kadlec


Opening up my RSS reader, a cup of coffee in hand, […] The act of spending that time in those feeds still feels like a very deliberate, intentional act.

Yes! I agree, Tim.

⇾ Visit: Investing in RSS – Tim Kadlec

⇾ Sketchbook Skool – Love Your Sketchbook Lettering

When Danny Gregory spoke at my beyond tellerrand event in Berlin in 2016, he was telling me about his idea to start Sketchbook Skool. Lovely to see it growing and lovely to se their videos.

This one is about why you should “Love your sketchbook lettering”.

You changed your mind? You lettering can show how your mind has changed.

⇾ Visit: Sketchbook Skool – Love Your Sketchbook Lettering

⇾ The End of Writing


Language connects us. Language connects one heart and mind to another mind and heart. Through space and time. Language transports meaning between minds, sense between bodies, it can make us understand each other and ourselves. It can make us feel what others feel. Language is a bridge.

⇾ Visit: The End of Writing

⇾ Conditional CSS

Nice post by Ahmad Shadeed once more. This time about conditional CSS.

I like to think of CSS as a conditional design language. Over the years, CSS was known as a way to style web pages. Now, however, CSS has evolved a lot to the point you can see conditional rules. The interesting bit is that those CSS rules aren’t direct (i.e: there is still no if/else in CSS), but the way features in CSS work is conditional.[…]

⇾ Visit: Conditional CSS

⇾ 2337 Free Consistent Icons


I am an absolute sucker for icons, to be honest. And here is a set of open source free icons, available in variable stroke SVG format, web font, Figma, React, Vue and Flutter ready to use packages. 2337 free and consistent icons.

⇾ Visit: 2337 Free Consistent Icons

⇾ Some Really Nice Typefaces for 2023


I guess it is “for 2023” since we are close to the end of the year, but a lot of those typefaces are lovely in general. And I love the fact that one by Ulrike Rausch is listed here. ;)

⇾ Visit: Some Really Nice Typefaces for 2023

⇾ How Much Would You Charge for iA Presenter?

Really interesting read over there at iA about pricing software. Furthermore you are able to tell iA how much IA Presenter should cost in your opinion.

⇾ Visit: How Much Would You Charge for iA Presenter?