⇾ CSS Positioning
Anyone who likes to learn how CSS positioning works or who wants to refresh what you know about CSS positioning should visit this tutorial, that Ahmad Shadeed created.
⇾ Visit: CSS Positioning
Anyone who likes to learn how CSS positioning works or who wants to refresh what you know about CSS positioning should visit this tutorial, that Ahmad Shadeed created.
⇾ Visit: CSS Positioning
Dave Rupert is being honest about a brutal experience he had. Public speaking is not always a joy. Thanks for sharing this, Dave ;)
⇾ Visit: When Public Speaking Goes Wrong
Insights into starting, surviving, and growing your freelance business.
And this is what it is. I mean, guides are not for everyone and some of the things might be seen differently by you, but maybe you find the one or other useful bit in this guid.
⇾ Visit: The Freelance Life
Not sure how useful this in the end, but it is fun exploring the different screen sizes with this tool.
⇾ Visit: Screen Size Map
Firefox blocks third-party tracking cookies and cryptomining by default now.
⇾ Visit: Firefox Blocks Third-Party Tracking Cookies and Cryptomining by Default
Matej Latin has written up a nice text about the state of “fluid web typography”, not only showing what is possible, but also pros and cons of each technology.
⇾ Visit: The State of Fluid Web Typography
Sara Soueidan is showing us how to make icon buttons accessible.
⇾ Visit: Accessible Icon Buttons
Since Sebastiaan Andeweg announced not to have any time anymore to maintain the Kirby webmentions plugin he created, I am happy to have seen, that Sebastian Greger is working on a Sendmentions plugin as well as a webmention enabled commenting system. Time to upgrade to Kirby 3 anyways ;)
⇾ Visit: This Looks Like a Promising Webmentions Plugin for Kirby 3
This is a tool that shows you how ADA compliant your colours are in relation to each other. By adding your brand’s colours one by one, you can generate a chart to see how they can be used together for accessibility, see, where they don’t work, and find similar colours that work better.
⇾ Visit: Accessible Brand Colors
Meagan Fisher has redesigned her website recently. I reckon you have heard this already as it was spoken about quite a lot. Now she has written about the motivations and struggles with this. I find this quite interesting and I bet you will find yourself in this 8 minute read as well ;)
⇾ Visit: Meagan Fisher on Motivations and Struggles Behind Redesigning Her Website