⇾ Web History by Jay Hoffman now on CSS Tricks
I am subscribed to Jay’s newsletter since ages already. Nice to see he is now writing about the history of the web on CSS Tricks as well.
I am subscribed to Jay’s newsletter since ages already. Nice to see he is now writing about the history of the web on CSS Tricks as well.
Many people would love to see these being printed to hold these lovely cards in their hands. Right now you can only download the PDF. Smashing Members for free, otherwise for $10.
⇾ Visit: Smart Interface Design Patterns Checklists (Vitaly Friedman, Smashing Magazine)
Great series on CSS by Stephanie Eckles. A ton of use- and helpful bits.
Tables and grids just want to be your friends, so long as you approach them for the right reasons.
Great read on grids by Sarah Higley.
⇾ Visit: Grids Part 1: To Grid or Not to Grid (Sarah Higley)
Robert Nyman and Philip Jägenstedt teamed up with Mozilla to create a short survey to find out, which the biggest recurring problems while building websites are for web developers and designers.
⇾ Visit: MDN Browser Compatibility Survey
The goal of this site is to show you how variable fonts tick. Discover how they can benefit user interface (UI) design, accessibility, and long-form reading, and how they push the boundaries of skillful typographic expression on the web.
A couple of days ago, I have linked to the JetBrains Mono typeface. Now Matej Latin is comparing five different monospaced beauties for you to pick.
⇾ Visit: 5 Monospaced Typefaces for Your Coding Environment Compared
This is a CSS generator to play around with drop shadow, and subtle effects on UI elements. Created by Adam Giebl from Denmark and seen in the CSS Tricks Newsletter.
JetBrains released a free open source typeface for developers called Mono. Check their website to see what the difference to other typical “coding environment” typefaces is, according to them.
Helena Zhang has written about the “7 Principles of Icon Design” and talks about clarity, readability, alignment, brevity, consistency, personality, ease of use and more …
I wish she would have written on her own blog (if she has one) instead of Medium … but she was listening to nice music while writing 😊
⇾ Visit: 7 Principles of Icon Design