
⇾ CSS Centering


Ahmad Shadeed has written a very useful article, teaching you all things CSS centering. Next to being handy, the website is real fun to use also ;)

⇾ Visit: CSS Centering

⇾ Winamp Skin Museum


If you are my age, you might remember Winamp. I simply loooove this museum. Brings back many good memories.

⇾ Visit: Winamp Skin Museum

⇾ Subscription or no subscription? That is not the question. (Oliver Reichenstein, iA)

I am using iA Writer on all my devices since ages already. Actually, this text is also written in iA Writer. I love the app and even bought it for devices I am not using. I don’t know, how you sometimes think, but I often buy multiple licenses or licenses for devices I really don’t use regularly, just to support people I know or people where I think they are simply doing great stuff for a fair price. For me this post was a good read (attention, long post), as it gave some insight into how iA is thinking, concerning subscription or not and pricing models. I am always curious about stuff like this. But, why don’t you have a look yourself? ;) …

⇾ Visit: Subscription or no subscription? That is not the question. (Oliver Reichenstein, iA)

⇾ ATEM Macro Snippets by Bryce Seifert

Another extension for VScode to create macros for your ATEM switch. Created by Bryce Seifert

⇾ Visit: ATEM Macro Snippets by Bryce Seifert

⇾ ATEM Macro Snippets by Ian Morrish

Handy snippets installed in VScode to create macros for your ATEM switch.

⇾ Visit: ATEM Macro Snippets by Ian Morrish

⇾ Online Micro-Book: Why Do We Interface?

Ehsan Noursalehi has written this online micro-book after he gave a talk about the topic and due to the Covid-19 lockdown and having time to write it. He says:

In this micro-book I take a historical look at interfaces to build an understanding of how they allow us to utilize information in such powerful ways that they can fundamentally change what it means to be human.

Enjoy reading!

⇾ Visit: Online Micro-Book: Why Do We Interface?

⇾ Web History on CSS Tricks – Chapter 2: Browsers


Chapter 2 of the Web History series on CS Tricks. Topic: Browsers

⇾ Visit: Web History on CSS Tricks – Chapter 2: Browsers

⇾ How I Structure My CSS (for Now) – Matthias Ott

In this post, I will share my current take on CSS structure. It does not religiously follow any particular methodology, although people familiar with Harry Roberts’ ITCSS (“Inverted Triangle CSS”) will definitely recognize parts of his methodology.

Matthias Ott describes his way of – for now – structuring his CSS. Maybe some inspiration for the one or other.

⇾ Visit: How I Structure My CSS (for Now) – Matthias Ott

⇾ Form Design – Best Practice, Research Insights and Examples (Geri Reid)

From all this learning I've formed my own forms best-practice guidelines. I thought it would be useful start recording it. Here's my work in progress. I do UI/UX so I'm coming at this from a designer's perspective.

⇾ Visit: Form Design – Best Practice, Research Insights and Examples (Geri Reid)

⇾ Form Design Best Practices (Andrew Coyle)

Form design best practices – learn how to improve the design of digital forms.

⇾ Visit: Form Design Best Practices (Andrew Coyle)