
Yes, I know. Many people are already speaking badly about Clubhouse, but first: I am curious. Then, I also like to try things out myself before I judge.

So I signed up and use @marcthiele to be found there.

I have listened to quite a good amount of good ”rooms” aka conversations already, but also a lot of boring and poorly hosted chats, which really feel like some people criticised: me listening to a group call of someone.

But again: I give it some time and see, if I like it or not. I also know it is nothing completely new as there are a lot of podcasts who record live with audience. Just putting in an app and trying to grow a community around it is new – at least to me. My first thought have been it might be nice to combine something like this with live recording a podcast or discussions afterwards etc etc. But yes, it is sad, that they start “app-first”, iPhone only and invite only – and not build a nice open community.