The last From The Front

I had the honour of speaking at From the Front, an event for designers and developers, which was held yearly in Bologna, a beautiful town in Italy. I enjoyed every minute of it and had the rare chance to bring my wife and my youngest daughter with me as my other two kids had been aways with their school.
I gave a talk in Bristol earlier this year, which went pretty well and was about the “The Human Side of Event Organisation”. I am not speaking very often, therefore I was quite nervous. Especially as my talk contained some very personal stuff to underline the core idea I had with it. But from the feedback I got after the talk and in the bar later as well as what I read on Twitter, people seem to have liked it.
More importantly, and the actual reason for writing this post, I wanted to thank the people behind the event. Marco, Rocco, Emanuala, Franceso and everybody who’s name I did not mention (so sorry!). I know how hard it is to put up such an event and to have an eye for the details and take care of the people you invite to come – the attendees and the speakers. I am very sad that – hopefully only for now – From the Front came to an end with this year’s edition. We need events like this, where people care about things. Thanks to all of you and hopefully see you soon!