My Days at TYPO3 Conference 2024
When I got invited to the TYPO3 Conference 2024 to give a talk I thought “Why would my topic and what I have to say matter at a TYPO3 Conference?”. Well, I guess, my event is titled beyond tellerrand, so how could I say no, if someone running an event about topics not being my core topic? I mean, that is the idea of my event, right?

I have been asked if I’d like to stay in the hotel, but I said, that I live very close, so maybe I stay one day. When I told my wife, she instantly said, that I know how much I appreciate if speakers are there for the full event and actually also around the event to socialise with the other speakers, the team and attendees. Surely she was right, so I stayed in the hotel and that was a good decision, since I got to meet so many new and interesting people.
The closer the event came, the more I was looking forward to being on stage. The title or my talk was “Why Independent Community Events Matter” or “Why I do what I do and how I got do to it”. I spoke on day two after the lunch break on the main stage and really enjoyed speaking there. I have seen head nodding, people smiling and listening to me and Frank Schmidt, who was the MC for the whole event, not only did a great job during the three days, but also made me feel very welcome on stage.

When Daniel Fau asked me during the awards gala how I liked it and how my experience was, I stated that I was surprised how open and welcoming the TYPO3 community was and that they achieved to build a good community around the product TYPO3. I also had my organiser’s hat on and stated that everything was absolutely well organised during the event and especially at the awards gala on which, next to the talk during the main event, I was interviewed about the process of our job in the jury for the awards, which was great fun also as the moderators – Emily Whigham and Matt Beadle – did a fantastic job and made the whole 5-hour event feel snappy, fun and not boring at all.

As I said earlier, I had a fantastic time throughout the whole event and made many new connections. During the after show party after the awards gala, many people came to me and said they were happy to meet me, since a lot of employees of them would attend beyond tellerrand for many years and always came back inspired and happy – well, that makes me happy!
Thanks a lot to the organisers of the event: Luisa, Myrna, Daniel, Carsten and all the others involved. Well done.