Noma Bar – Bittersweet
I am a huge fan of Noma Bar and his work. Noma is an amazing illustrator who’s work is known for the playful and intelligent use of negative space. A lot of his illustrations reveal their messages only if you look twice and closely.

Bittersweet comes with 5 books: Rough Smooth, Less More, Pretty Ugly, In Out and Life Death. In addition to those, a signed, limited screen print is included.
In each book, he covers a different theme:
- Less More = daily life
- Pretty Ugly = portraits
- In Out = sex
- Life Death = conflict
In Rough Smooth you get a lovely view into his sketchbooks and a few background stories to his work. I know what I am going to do during the next evenings on my couch with a gin and tonic. ;)
And the best part is (at least for me) is, that Noma Bar is coming to speak at beyond tellerrand in Berlin this year!