Photos of Patterns Day
On June 30th I attended Patterns Day, a one day event organised by Jeremy Keith. It took place in Brighton, in the Duke Of York’s, where Remy also runs FullFrontal Conference. As the name of the event already might show, the topics all circled around pattern libraries, components, style guides, and design systems. Despite of the rough trip to Brighton the day before, because of very bad weather conditions in Berlin where I was before, I had a wonderful time and met a lot of friendly people – some that I knew and some that I met for the first time. Great conversations and a long night out followed the event.

Of course I brought my camera, but from back, when I attended FullFrontal Conference, I knew how dark this place was and was hoping to catch at least a few good shots. Drew McLellan also brought his gear and made some great photos. I think he just published them in his Twitter Stream, as I can’t find them on Flickr.
I uploaded mine to my Flickr account. And I hope you can see/feel, that the atmosphere was super lovely.
Thanks for putting it up, Jeremy and sorry for being later than expected with my photos.