Plugins for IndieWeb and Kirby
If you use Kirby and are interested in the IndieWeb topic, you might like what Sebastiaan Andeweg is working on and releasing on GitHub at the moment.
Micropub Plugin
He released a Micropub endpoint for Kirby. In a blog post, he explains what basic a micropub endpoint, which he added to his toolkit (se further down) does. For Kirby, he has written a Kirby Micropub Endpoint.
Webmention Plugin
In addition, he published a webmentions plugin, which is also based on Bastians first version of the webmention plugin for Kirby. Webmentions are:
Webmention is a simple way to notify any URL when you link to it on your site. From the receiver's perspective, it's a way to request notifications when other sites link to it. Webmention is a modern update to Pingback, using only HTTP and x-www-form-urlencoded content rather than XMLRPC requests. Webmention supersedes Pingback.
Read more about what webmentions are on the IndieWeb site
IndieWeb Toolkit
Last but not least Sebastiaan is working on an IndieWeb toolkit. Is is meant to be used next to the Kirby Toolkit by Bastian Allgeier.
And if this all is not enough, you can use his IndieWeb news aggregator called IndieNews, which aggregates the news directly from ;)