My photos from SmashingConf New York 2016
Just a week ago Smashing Conference in New York took place for the third time. For the second time it was the New World Stages where it happened after moving away from the Time Center Stage.

Sadly it turns out, that my CF card is broken. Like last time I had issues getting the photos from it and lost a good bunch of shots of the second day again – amongst them talks of Aaron, Mat and Frances. I directly got rid of this card and ordered a new one. Two times is enough.
But being back in New York was wonderful and I met a lot of great people. The content of the event was diverse and mostly well presented. Chris Heilmann did a great job as MC and you can see that SmashingConf NYC is now established as all seat had been taken.

In July I will be in Freiburg for a board member meeting and then back in September for Smashing Conference Freiburg, where the Smashing Magazine celebrates the tenth birthday. Will we meet?