I am using a duospace font now in iA Writer

I am using iA Writer for all my writing since years now. I love it. It does what it has to do, it gives me the chance to focus on writing and I run my website with Kirby, where I use Markdown for my texts, which iA Write supports as well.
Yesterday they released a new duospace font to be usable with iA Writer and while reading their release article about it, I caught myself thinking “It’s not much of a difference to the monospace font, is it?” and wasn’t sure, how this could be a big thing. I updated my iA Writer and – hell – it is a difference. I mean, if I show you a text with the monospace font, you close your eyes, I switch to duospace and you open your eyes, you maybe would say that nothing changed. But if you go into your preferences and change it back and forth, you can see and feel the difference.
If you want to know more details about what the story bhind this is and what has driven iA to work on it, read their detailed article about their new duospace font. It is available in the latest version of iA Writer and you can download it from GitHub.