⇾ CSS Layout Generator by Brad Woods
A very handy CSS layout generator for quick layouts done with CSS Grids. A Flexbox version is on the roadmap.
⇾ Visit: CSS Layout Generator by Brad Woods
A very handy CSS layout generator for quick layouts done with CSS Grids. A Flexbox version is on the roadmap.
⇾ Visit: CSS Layout Generator by Brad Woods
This is so nerdy and I love it. Eno created a website on which you can find a lot of the interior, glassware, and so on from all Star Trek series with Info of who designed it and what its original name is.
Eno writes:
Star Trek + Design began as a personal quarantine project in March of 2020, a little over a year since buying my first Bodum Bistro (Picard Cup) set. I’d just been laid off from my job due to the pandemic, and found myself spending far more time watching Star Trek than I had when I was employed. Being drawn to the aesthetics of Trek, especially of The Next Generation, made me curious about the specific objects that set designers used to create the visual embodiment of what living and working on a starship would look like in a technologically-advanced, post-scarcity future.
⇾ Visit: Star Trek Design
Holly Tuke writes about the five most annoying inaccessible web elements she faces as a blind screen reader user every day and teaches us how to fix them.
⇾ Visit: 5 Most Annoying Website Features a Blind Person Faces Every Day (Holly Tuke)
A free CSS online learning course.
This course breaks down the fundamentals of CSS into digestible, easy to understand pieces. Over the next few modules, you'll learn how the core aspects of CSS work and how to use them effectively in your projects.
During the last couple of days I sat down and emptied my head around how I produce my online events over there at beyond tellerrand which I titled Stay Curious.
I went from planning to production and tried to cover everything, but not to go into too much detail. Surely you can write a lot about each of those points on its own and in case you have questions to any specific part, please let me know.
Feed back is welcome also, of course.
⇾ Visit: The Production “Workflow” of Our Live Online Streaming Shows at Stay Curious
CSS Hell – a collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them. Collected by Stefánia Péter
⇾ Visit: CSS Hell (Stefánia Péter)
Lea Verou created this article for everybody who is thinking to create a dark mode for their website. Well explained and easy to follow.
⇾ Visit: Dark Mode in 5 Minutes, with Inverted Lightness Variables (Lea Verou)
Chris Coyier has created this guide on custom CSS properties. Make your CSS code more readable, cleaner and safe time changing stuff.
To the question ”Why care about CSS custom properties?” Chris writes …
⇾ Visit: A Complete Guide to Custom Properties on CSS Tricks
If you are – like me – using VS Code and you like to create your own look and feel for the environment you use, then here is something to waste your time with (I can easily spend days with this stuff to create everything like I want it). 😁
⇾ Visit: Theme Studio for VS Code
Ahmad Shadeed has collected and written about some practical use cases for CSS variables that are more than “only” storing your color values for the use in your CSS.
⇾ Visit: Practical Use Cases For CSS Variables by Ahmad Shadeed