Letter & Co. – Intensive Ten Day Workshop About Display Type

This image is an animation showing ABCDEFONT in various letters animated

If I’d have more time around those dates, this would be the absolute great workshop for me to attend. Not, because I am particularly good in or with type and type design, but I am curious to learn more and the ten instructors are already promising by their names and what they do and known for. So, this is a ten day workshop with:

How does this sound? And then this is not only a workshop, but a ten day course with days from 9.30am to 6.00pm every day.


The whole course is split in roughly 30% theoretical and 70% practical hands-on time. Everyone who attends is going to work on their project, mixed with group conversations and discussions encouraged. You can read more about the program on their website and the planned content listing looks like:

Analog techniques

  • Letter Design Basics
  • Sketching techniques
  • Lettering Design insights
  • Creation of an alphabet
  • Optical adjustments

Digital techniques

  • Drawing letter shapes in vectors
  • Styles and layered type
  • Introduction to fontself software
  • Introduction to Glyphs App
  • Font editing
  • Spacing and Kerning
  • Programing and open type features
  • Fine tuning of your font
  • Publishing your font

Font Publishing

  • Marketing your font
  • Font naming
  • Designing your specimen
  • Presenting your font

When, Where and How To Apply?

This ten day workshop is taking place from July 24th to August 2nd. If you want to attend, you need to apply until April 26th. The fee for the ten days is €1980 (plus 19% VAT), which is €198 for each of the workshop days.

More information on how to apply and what information is needed in order to apply can be found on their website.

If you want to stay up to date and get updated information for the course, you can subscribe to their newsletter.